Thursday 28 August 2014

Dark Heresy - first proper game, Episode 3

We had all changed from Rogue Trader to Dark Heresy now, with the exception of the insane arch-militant, who was up to around 60 insanity now... so he made an assassin, the previous ork was a psyker and the guardsman was still a guardsman. We got 2 more characters at a later stage but for now we were just 3 players + me as a GM.

The group had be set of at the spaceport on one of the plateaus of Periremunda, a world filled with plateaus and spires of various height, this one, was covered with snow and cold. If you read the Ciaphas Cain books, you will know which one I'm talking about... if you can remember it that is (called something starting with D.. not dick)

The PCs quickly realised that they were short on money and no conncetion to their dynasty, in short, they had been fired and was on a completely different world from what they were used to, not even sure where in the imperium this world was (never checked where, and have not been bothered as it was not important).
So they pooled their money and got ahold of what they needed... more weapons, dont give a shit about lodgings or food... so they were broke and left out in the snow, with powerful weapons.... ah... something i forgot to mention.

the ork disappeared and i dont remember where the psyker appeared from but I believe that he had a clue about some work and needed people, so he found the group and requested their help.
The assassin was also looking for profit, but he was on a mission, he had to assassinate a arbitor-sergeant.
The sergeant was found escorting an insane arch-militant along with 2 other arbitors, the assassin shot with his hunting rifle and hit the arch-militant in the head instead, then managed to take down the 2 arbitors with followup shots, the sergeant himself had to be taken out with melee due to being bunkered down after running for safety.

So with the group of strangers gathered and broke, they got a bounty to assassinate a noble woman who had retreated down into the sewers a few years ago and had been causing the mutants to become more agressive in some way, they were only given a image of how she looked before she retreated into the sewers.

Preparing for the mission consisted of trying to get the body of the dead insane arch-militant, but the arbitors had gotten to it for evidence and somehow all his gear was gone from the evidence locker, along with the money... it reeked of corruption (they talked to a arbitor called Frastus who was pretty much just a corrupted version of jason statham)

So, down they went, into the sewers, into the undercity, and into the sewers of the undercity. I'm sure that it was eventful but not something I remember, so they arrived at a platform, 4 meters down, looking across a square hall with a small chasm crossing the middle and 2 bridges crossing it.
They saw mutants below and another sewer tunnel on t he far side of the hall where there was sure to be more mutants comming from. The best option was to prepare grenades and ambush them to get as many kills as possible.

But then something detonated behind them and the entrance they came from had been collapsed, the guardsman recognised the sound of C4, this was deliberate, but by whom? The mutants would not have this kind of explosives.

The explotion triggered a fight against the mutants, which turned into 2 waves (3 waves was planned but it was too long). First wave was a bunch of mutants, 3 hulks and a lot of regular ones, all with different mutations that affected their combat style. This was a very interessting fight both for me as a GM and the players as they could understand the difference and importance of each enemy, but it was slow... oh man... it was DAMN slow.

the second wave was a group of winged mutants (gave them all the same mutation to speed things up), and the last wave was removed. Over the course of the fight, the assassin fell down and took quite a lot of damage, the psyker lost his hand as he was fighting a mutant with a warp-sword, and when he killed the mutant, he reached for the sword and it.. and his hand... went back into the warp, leaving the rest behind.
The guardsman was just too powerful at this stage and was completely injured as she picked off every mutant that came within the range of her shotgun or toxic axe.

At last the woman they had been fighting, appeared, she was hideous and crackling with power, but she barely had time to unleash a single spell before she started to change, into something more daemonic.
The assassin put a bullet into her head but she kept going, they were starting to panic as a daemon was about to appear in realspace... when her head vanished in a red mist and a high-powered energy pulse beam hid the wall next to the guardsman.

They recovered and picked up proof of what was left of the former noble woman and made their way towards where the beam came from, it was a maze but they spotted someone in some kind of bodysuit at every intersection, leading them somewhere, untill they found a way out of the sewers, but never got a good look at the one who killed their target. So they left the sewer behind to deliver the proof of "their" kill.

And with that, they finished the mission and had to spend their entire paycheck on getting the psyker a robotic arm, and made their way towards a hideout that inquisitor amberly vail had given to them on a note (guardsman never checked her pockets untill now)

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