Tuesday 26 August 2014

Rogue Trader - first proper game, Episode 1,5

This is for the same group as the previous post, but it was a bit of downtime and sidemissions so I could prepare the next campaign.

It started out with "TO THE PUB"... to where the psyker got attacked by a zealot not-quite-witchhunter-yet and left the group.

There was a few instances of pickpocketing and the insane arch-militant got ahold of a Las-Cannon... uh-oh

They needed something to do, so they got in contacts with the adepus arbites on port wander and was tasked to clear out a storage area of criminal gangs. The arbites were understaffed and would come in and secure the area once they have dealt with the gang.

so, how they did this was something like this: "planning planning planning, about to sneak in...[insane arch-militant] 'I SHOOT AT THE WAREHOUSE!'"

The ones who were sneaking in almost died to friendly fire, the warehouse was set ablaze and civilian prisoners inside was burned alive by the fire without being rescued.... [insane arch-militant] "oops... oh-well".

a good amount of gangers made their way out on the opposite side and the tech-priest in the group (named crimson, same as the seneschal) got about 90% of the kills with his boltgun.

After making short work of the gangers.. the warehouse... and the civilians, the lost profit factor for the destruction of property on the port and was not in good standings with adeptus arbites.

They wrapped up the rest of their business and could not pry the las-cannon from the insane one, so he kept it... for now.

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