Monday 25 August 2014

improvised system: My first game

My first attempt at any game, was a game I ran on Google wave and used an improvised system. It was a 1d20 where the better you rolled, the better you performed, 10 was the average and below it would be various degrees of failure.

There were no stats in the game, but depending on what the players did, they gained a +1 (could stack) to a skill or a task which could be anything.

So the game that I ran... it started out with 1 player in a tavern getting up from his Chair, shouts "I WANNA BE A PIRATE!" and runs out the door. He brushes into a few thugs who are intent on starting a fight, but the wannabe-pirate quickly subdue their leader, put him on his shoulder and runs away with him. he keeps on running until he gets to the high-point of town, overlooking the pier. Here he sets the thug leader down and says "you are now working for me"... the leader will have none of this, draws a knife and charges at the wannabe-pirate.

A quick sidestep, a fall off the high-point, an impalement on a sign that says Vlad's merchandices -later, the wannabe pirate finds himself surrounded by the thugs and again says "you are now working for me"... in which they agree. 

Now.. to get a ship

There were plenty in the harbor, so getting onboard by knocking guards into the water and overpowering the crewmen with his new gang was little challange, but the ship was already leaving the town before he got in control. 
By following the intended destination, the wannabe-pirate reached a pirate's hideout and had to do some sneaking around there.

This is where I dont remember what more happened to the wannabe-pirate... it was so long ago... I do remember him having a rap battle with another player so I assume he got back safely...

The second character also started out in the tavern, but he was a investigating watchman, doing his rounds. He heard some commotion about a death on the pier, a man being impaled on a sigh that said Vlad's merchandices. It was investigation time... which failed horrible and all trails ended when the one responsible had left the town by a stolen ship along with a band of thugs, he was not paid for this shit... better pick up the paycheck at the mayor's place.

this is where that player disappeared off the face of the earth, did not get in contact with him again about the game untill google wave was said to close down (like 2 years before it acually did).

Second to last player I think was some sort of thief, Don't remember how this one started out but he went to see of something could be taken from a warehouse by the piers, near a murder scene and found some guards outside. A mysterious man showed up and offered to help take out the guards. So a quick pistol shot by the mysterious man and some rapiere fencing later, the guards were taken out and the warehouse door was open. Inside was a lot of people, looking hostile... if a bit high on something, they picked up the swords and were ready to attack... to which the Thief-duelist responded "DONT TOUCH THE SWORDS, THEY ARE SPIDERS"... panic ensued amongst the people inside.

After it was cleared out, the thief grabbed things of value and left.

The last player was a mysterious man with a bowler hat. He started out having a rap battle with a pirate and went to see if anything interessting happened. He found someone trying to get into a warehouse so he helped him out. After dealing with the people inside, he found some drugs to which he took. When he used the drugs, he saw that some things turned into a bright shade of blue. and when he interacted with that, it fell apart. He was hunting some sort of rumor and investigated a few houses....

but here the game stopped due to google wave shutting down. (2 years before it actually did)

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